My first entry into any #nunchaku related #competition. #fnfworldcup2025
All the years of training with Ken, and now a year and a half with JJ, has led me here.
MUCH APPRECIATION, and GRATITUDE MAJOR for #flowtricks @kenhillfire & #jjsacademy @jj_nunchaku !!!
Ken Hill, without you, I never would’ve returned to the drawing board or have opened myself up to such a variety of nunchaku moves, performance-wise, creatively, & beyond. I am #flowtricks4life brother. Thank you for everything you’ve done for the craft, me personally, the community and the spread of nunchaku wisdom you’ve given. 🙏 & 4 beginning my current path with JJ!
JJ, without you, I never would’ve challenged myself to, even leisurely, push beyond my own plateau. I have been playing with the chucks again on a level reminiscent of beginner, and it’s exciting. I look forward to what the future holds! Thank you for your training, guidance, and encouragement and for pushing me beyond my boundaries, enough to not only enter but bring my name. Regardless of where I land in the world, this video is going to be my first representation of myself on the stage of nunchaku. Bringing to the table my own personal flare and shit they won’t see anywhere else.
Additional thanks to Ben Tucker for editing! Appreciate you bro.
#nunchucks #nunchaku #nunchakufreestyle #martialflow #fnf
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